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Dr. Alfredo Petrone
Sep 29, 20213 min read
Checking in on your Stress and Overcoming It
This has been a hard couple years for everyone. Stress affects all of us in different ways and at different times. If you’re like me, it...
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Dr. Alfredo Petrone
Jun 16, 20213 min read
Your Low Back Pain is NOT a Result of a Weak Core
Probably the number one mis-information I hear on a daily basis is that your low back pain is coming from a weak core. I get asked all...
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Dr. Alfredo Petrone
Jun 2, 20212 min read
The Top Things I Learned from my Disc Injury ...and now I'm Pain Free!
As you may recall, about 5 months ago I injured a disc pretty severely in my low back. I wrote a short article on the subject a couple...
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Dr. Alfredo Petrone
Apr 7, 20215 min read
Stop Being Afraid of being in Pain
Recently I’ve found myself in a lot of pain. I’ve injured a disc in my low back. Going through this injury has taught me so much about...
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Dr. Alfredo Petrone
Feb 10, 20213 min read
Stop Resting, Start Recovering
If you’ve been injured in the past you’ve probably been told by your doctor, friends, therapists and everyone else that you need to rest,...
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Dr. Alfredo Petrone
Nov 23, 20204 min read
Why am I still in pain? Understanding Pain Science
The number one reason why people tend to book an appointment with me is because they are experiencing some sort of pain in their back or...
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Dr. Alfredo Petrone
Sep 22, 20204 min read
The Chiropractor Who Threw Out His Back...
First of all, I would like to start off by saying, yes I am a human and therefore I can injure myself! As funny as it sounds, most...
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Dr. Alfredo Petrone
Aug 6, 20201 min read
Neck Pain? TRY THIS!
With all this sitting and forward head position many of us experience neck pain, headaches, stiffness in the shoulders etc. Here are some...
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Dr. Alfredo Petrone
Jul 29, 20203 min read
The 5 Core Problems Causing Your Headaches
Many of us of been there. You're going about your day and all of a sudden you start to feel a bit pressure building behind your left eye....
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Dr. Alfredo Petrone
Jul 23, 20201 min read
SNAP, CRACKLE, POP! What's going on with my joints?
Many of us experience different sounds in our joints and there is a lot of confusion about what these sounds are and what it means? Check...
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Dr. Alfredo Petrone
Jul 16, 20201 min read
Got Sciatica? Try this.
Many of us have experienced “sciatica" or “sciatic pain” at one point or another. But what does this term actually mean? Would you be...
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Dr. Alfredo Petrone
Jul 8, 20204 min read
Getting your Life Back on Track -Doing the Hard Things
It goes without saying that 2020 has been a year that none of us could have prepared for mentally, physically or emotionally. There have...
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Dr. Alfredo Petrone
Jun 11, 20203 min read
Beating Your Inner Saboteur
We all have that little voice in the back of our head that tells us not to follow a dream, justifies not going to the gym today, or makes...
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Dr. Alfredo Petrone
May 6, 20201 min read
Driven Life Podcast - Ep. 4: Life will never be the same.
Throughout this time we have been hearing a lot about “returning to normal” and finding the “new normal.” But what does this really mean?...
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Dr. Alfredo Petrone
Apr 27, 20201 min read
Driven Life Podcast - Ep.3: Mentors, People that influence your journey.
Do you need a mentor or coach to help guide you in life? What are the things that really matter to you and what are you doing every day...
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Dr. Alfredo Petrone
Apr 27, 20201 min read
Driven Life Podcast - Ep. 2: Does all this free time make us depressed?
Most of us would probably agree that we want or need more free time. But, what if too much free time is the enemy? What if it leads to...
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Dr. Alfredo Petrone
Apr 27, 20201 min read
Driven Life Podcast - Ep. 1: Staying Sane During Isolation
Let's face it, things have been challenging during this time of social distance and self-isolation. We are facing a time that we could...
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Dr. Alfredo Petrone
Apr 17, 20204 min read
Staying Mentally Strong During Social Isolation
Throughout the past few weeks, we have all been pushed to new limits in what we have had to overcome. A lot of scary and new terms have...
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Dr. Alfredo Petrone
Mar 30, 202011 min read
The Ultimate Guide to Working from Home
By: Dr. Alfredo Petrone Amongst all the change the last week, many of us have been shifted into working from home. In an attempt to...
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Dr. Alfredo Petrone
Mar 11, 20203 min read
Start Focusing on Self-Love More Than Anything
This is a topic that took me many of years of trial and error to even scratch the surface. It is probably one of the areas I still...
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